
inside (2007) cydney nielsen and pascale-delache feldman

inside  (2007)  cydney nielsen and pascale-delache feldman

Thursday, February 15, 2007

REBECCA RICE DANCE performs EN CLOSURES (2007) Merce Cunningham Studio, New York

En Closures (2007)
Choreography: Rebecca Rice
Music: Andrew List
Dancers: Cydney Nielsen, Michelle Machon and Carey McKinley Foster
Piano: Constantine Finehouse

copyright 2007

BUSY BLUES (2007) excerpt - Rebecca Rice Dance - Sara Knight performer

excerpt of "BUSY BLUES" (2004-7) IV movement
Music: Paolo Conte
Dancer: Sara Knight with Michelle Machon, Cydney Nielsen, Carey Foster, Jillian St. Germain, Ann-Marie Cofield, and Francoise Voranger.

the joy of boogie

copyright 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ECHOES (2004) rehearsal NYC February 2007

Rebecca Rice Dance
Merce Cunningham Studio
New York, NY
dancers; Sara Knight, Francoise Voranger, Ann-Marie Cofield, Jillian St. Germain, Cydney Nielsen, Carey Foster and Michelle Machon

copyright 2007

REBECCA RICE DANCE in BACH DANCES (2004) Movement I with Ariane Georg and Emmanuel Feldman, cello

Performance Merce Cunningham Studio, February 2007